Volume 7, Issue 1 (2022)
Full Issue
Full issue Artizein 2022
Darlene St.Georges and Barbara Bickel
Front Matter 2022
Darlene St.Georges and Barbara Bickel
Introduction: Creative Encounters and Interruptions
Darlene St.Georges and Barbara Bickel
Interlude Art and Poetry
Darlene St.Georges
The Way of the Crane
alexandra fidyk
Data’s Entanglements: Artmaking as Corresponding Companion During Diffractive Analysis
Kelly Clark/Keefe
Silent Interruptions: Democratizing Academic Discourse through Wordless Narrative Research
Jeff Horwat
Dreaming my Ancestors: A Poetic Inquiry into Longing and Legacy
Maya T. E. Borhani
Studio as Collage: Familiar and Strange
Alison Shields
Becoming an Artist: Embodying Emergent Art Making Practices
Kate L. Wurtzel
A Daycare Artist Residency in Minusio: Aesthetic Eunuciations in Borderspaces
R. Michael Michael Fisher
Sunrise Haiku Project: Learning to Trust
Diana Lynn Tigerlily

Cover Art
Kelly Clark/Keefe. Title: Data’s Entanglements. Medium: Acrylic on Canvas. Published in this issue.