Barbara Bickel, Associate Professor of Art Education Emeritas, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Affiliate, St. Stephen's College, Edmonton, Alberta, bickel.barbara@gmail.com
Darlene St. Georges, Assistant Professor of Art Education, University of Lethbridge, darlene.stgeorges@uleth.ca
Laurel Fredrickson, Associate Professor of Art History, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, jfredrickson@siu.edu
Jeeyeon Ryu, Interim Associate Dean, Yorkville University, jryu@yorkvilleu.ca
Co-Founding Editors
Peter London, Chancellor Professor Emeritus, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. 2014-2021
Sally Gradle, Associate Professor of Art Education Emeritas, Southern Illinois University. Founding Member. 2014-15
Barbara Bickel, Associate Professor of Art Education Emeritas, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, bickel.barbara@gmail.com. 2014-
Editorial Board
Christine Marmé Thompson, Professor of Visual Arts and Graduate Director of Art Education, The Pennsylvania State University, cmt15@psu.edu
Karen Keifer-Boyd, Professor of Art Education and Women’s Studies, The Pennsylvania State University, kk-b@psu.edu
Kit Grauer, Professor Emerita, Art Education, University of British Columbia, Kit.grauer@ubc.ca
Pat Allen, Author, artist and art therapist, Ojai, California, PatAllen@patballen.com
Janis Timm-Bottos, Art Therapy & Creative Therapies Coordinator, Concordia University, Janis.Timm-Bottos@concordia.ca
Sangsook Park, Assistant Prof., Art Education Program Coordinator, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, sspark2120@gmail.com
Liora Bresler, Professor of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, liora@illinois.edu
Kristin Congdon, Professor Emerita, Philosophy and Humanities, University of Central Florida, Florida State University, kgcongdon@gmail.com
Angela LaPorte, Professor of Art Education, University of Arkansas, alaporte@uark.edu
Alice Wexler, Director of Art Education, SUNY New Paltz, awex26@gmail.com
Daniel T. Barney, Associate Professor of Art Education, Brigham Young University, danielbarney@byu.edu
Leslie Stanick, Independent Artist Scholar, Vancouver, British Columbia, leslie.stanick@gmail.com
Sheri R. Klein, Interdisciplinary Artist/Scholar and Distinguished Fellow of NAEA, kleinsheri353@gmail.com
Jody Paulson, Instructor & Program Chair of Art Education, Southern Illinois University, jody.paulson@siu.edu
Patti Pente, Professor of Elementary Education, University of Alberta, pente@ualberta.ca
Alexandra Fidyk, Professor of Secondary Education Professor, University of Alberta, fidyk@ualberta.ca
Marna Hauk, Associate Director & Founding Faculty, Southwestern College & New Earth Institute, marnahauk@swc.edu
Kathy Mantas, Associate Professor of Education, Nipissing University, kathym@nipissingu.ca
Nané Jordan, Ph.D,, Independent Artist Scholar, Vancouver, BC, Canada
John J. Guiney Yallop, Professor of Education, Acadia University, johnj.guineyyallop@acadia.ca
Margaret MacIntrye Latta, Professor & Director, Okanagan School of Education, Faculty of Education, UBC, margaret.macintrye.latta@ubc.caAshwani Kumar, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, Mount Saint Vincent University, ashwani.kumar@msvu.ca
Robert Christopher Nellis, Ph.D.,Continuous Faculty, School of Education, Red Deer College, robert.nellis@rdc.ab.ca
Momina Khan, Independent scholar, author, poet, artist, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, mak234@mail.usask.ca
Jennifer Markides, Assistant Professor, Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary, jmmarkid@ucalgary.ca
Celeste Snowber, Professor, Simon Fraser University, celeste@sfu.edu
Lynn Fels, Professor, Simon Fraser University, lynn_fels@sfu.edu
Editorial Archive:
Barbara Bickel, Associate Professor of Art Education, Emeritas, Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Co-Founding editor. 2014-
Darlene St. Georges, Assistant Professor of Education, Lethbridge University, 2021--
Laurel Fredrickson, Assistant Professor of Art History, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. 2017-
Peter London, Chancellor Professor Emeritus, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Distinguished Fellow, National Art Education Association. Co-Founding editor. 2014-2021
Sally Gradle, Associate Professor of Art Education Emeritas, Southern Illinois University. Co-Founding editor. 2014-15
Jodi Patterson, Associate Professor and Program Coordinator of Art Education, Department Chair, Eastern Washington University. 2014 -
Aaron Darrisaw, Southern Illinois University, Graduate Student of Philosophy. 2016.
Dr. Jan van Boeckel, Estonian Academy of Arts. 2017.
Dr. Susan Walsh, Professor of Education Emeritas, Mount St Vincent University, 2018 & 2019
Darlene St. Georges, Assistant Professor of Art Education, University of Lethbridge, 2020