Volume 4, Issue 1 (2019) An Arts-Based Contemplative Pause Part 2
Special Issue Editor: Barbara Bickel, Associate Professor of Art Education, Emeritus, Southern Illinois University, USA with Guest Editor: Susan Walsh, Professor of Education, Mount Saint Vincent University, CanadaFull Issue
Full Issue: An Arts-Based Contemplative Pause Part 2_June 2019
Susan Walsh and Barbara Bickel
Front Matter Artizein June 2019
Susan Walsh and Barbara Bickel
An Arts-Based and Contemplative Pause: Introduction to Part Two: Creating Restorative and Caring Learning Spaces
Susan Walsh and Barbara Bickel
Living with a Liminal Mind
Yoriko Gillard
Contemplating Artful Migration and Community Art Education Experiences: Inter-Intra
Arianna Garcia-Fialdini
Lectio Divina: A Call for Salah & Poetic Being
Momina A. Khan
Music As Meditative Inquiry: Dialogical Reflections on Learning and Composing Indian Classical Music
Ashwani Kumar and Adrian Downey
Closing Pause
Peter London

Cover Art
Momina Khan. Title: “Let’s bow together in love to see what’s beyond the bend". Photograph