Artizein: Arts and Teaching Journal


This article explores an evolving experience of shared artistic creation based on lived encounters with immigrant communities throughout Montreal from a personal stance. I will be sharing how this project allowed me to reflect on my dual position as practicing artist and immigrant living in the community, persuading me to challenge my evolving studio practice and question how I navigate my dual identity through the experience of art creation by acknowledging and visually expressing/representing some of the realities and hurdles involved in migrating to a new unknown culture. This article highlights my story as an immigrant co-participant artist by sharing personal art work made for this collective piece in the form of images and sound files, offering my oral story as an entryway into the artwork and the project. The ways in which I interpret, represent and share these stories with wider publics both encourage and require an ongoing and self-reflexive process of contemplation due to the nature of my specific positionality in relation to it as an artist, educator, immigrant, and more recently, an aspiring researcher.

Streaming Media

MiHistoria.mp3 (1132 kB)
Garcia-Fialdini - Mi Historia

MonHistoire 3.mp3 (1239 kB)
Garcia-Fialdini - Mon Histoire

MyStory.mp3 (1800 kB)
Garcia-Fialdini - My Story



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