Volume 3, Issue 1 (2018) An Arts-Based Contemplative Pause Part 1
Special Issue Editor: Barbara Bickel, Associate Professor of Art Education, Emeritus, Southern Illinois University, USA with Guest Editor: Susan Walsh, Professor of Education, Mount Saint Vincent University, CanadaFull Issue
An Art-Based Contemplative Pause: Introduction to Part 1: Sharing Radical Creative Possibilities
Barbara Bickel, Susan Walsh, and Diane Conrad
An Offering and a Prayer
Vicki Kelly
Sharing Footprints: Dwelling With/In Loss
Robert Christopher Nellis
Performing Research: Contemplating what it means to be a "man"
George Belliveau
Looking for Water Stories
Janice Santos Valdez
"Born Different, But Still The Same": My Journey as a sibling of persons with special needs: Contemplative practices in an academic environment
Annemarie Cuculiza-Brunke
Relations To Live By
Morgan Gardner
Making Peace With The Highwood River: One year in contemplative photographs and flows
Jennifer Markides
An Artistic Contemplative Inquiry: What arrives in co-contemplating assessment and evaluation
Michelle Searle and Lynn M. Fels

Cover Art
Jennifer Markides. Title: Man and River, photo detail. Published in this issue.