In 2017, I experienced the ARTS Pre- Conference of the Canadian Society for Studies in Education as a welcome refuge. As participants, we gathered to feed our minds, bodies and spirits via arts-based, contemplative practice. It became a day of (re)visioning academic life. In gratitude for this day, I share two poems from my research journal supporting my own (re)visioning of academic research. The poems are meditations on the small and large wonders of nature and their connection to the wealth of our fragile, mysterious lives. They explore our immeasurable interconnectedness to all of life and the life-giving relations that can be ignited as we awaken to these connections. Such kinds of poetic inquiry have expanded and deepened my understanding of voice and relationality within the context of research on democratic and social justice educational change.
Recommended Citation
Gardner, Morgan
"Relations To Live By,"
Artizein: Arts and Teaching Journal: Vol. 3:
1, Article 10.
Available at:
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Art and Design Commons, Art Education Commons, Art Practice Commons, Curriculum and Instruction Commons, Curriculum and Social Inquiry Commons, Educational Methods Commons