Volume 8, Issue 1 (2023) Invitations & Purposeful Encounters with Expressive Arts
Full Issue
Artizein_ Full Issue 2023
Barbara Bickel, Darlene St.Georges, and Jeeyeon Ryu
Front Matter_ Artizein 2023
Barbara Bickel, Darlene St.Georges, and Jeeyeon Ryu
Editoral Foreword: A Métissage of Presence-ing
Darlene St.Georges and Barbara Bickel
Editorial Team Weclome
Darlene St.Georges and Barbara Bickel
Ιntroduction: Invitations and Purposeful Encounters
Valerie Oved Giovanini, Katrina Plato, Alexandra Katherine Goodall, and Carmiella Salzberg Zorzi
Doing and Thinking on the Edge with Intermodal Expressive Art
Katrina Plato, Sinem Lanacı, and Valerie Oved Giovanini
Collective Memory and Creative Subjectivity: A Living Conversation
Alexandra Katherine Goodall and Alba Torres Robinat
Borders and Bridges in Virtual Work: Between Real and Imaginary
Valeria Rocío Gonzales González Cueva and Carmiella Salzberg Zorzi
Teaching Philosophy as a Pedagogic Practice-ing: Are you the type of person that says, “everything happens for a reason”?
Valerie Oved Giovanini Ph.D.
Harvesting A Blessing
Alba Torres Robinat, Katrina Plato, Alexandra Goodall, Valerie Oved Giovanini, and Sinem Lanacı
Book Reviews
The Yes of Soul: Book Review for "Poetry in Expressive Arts: Supporting Resilience through Poetic Writing" by Margo Fuchs Knill & Sally S. Atkins
Katrina Plato and Lucien Zell

Cover Art
Alba Torres Robinat and Alexandra Katherine Goodall:
A World: A Map II A Pam: A Dlrow ” [Still image from media piece]. Alba Torres Robinat and Alexandra Goodall. Published in this issue.