"A Daycare Artist Residency in Minusio: Aesthetic Eunuciations in Borde" by R. Michael Michael Fisher
Artizein: Arts and Teaching Journal

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This is a compilation of happenings from an artist residency at an urban core daycare and kindergarten site from July-December, 2021. The artist provides some notes on how to approach a residency, create site-specific art and work with the children, their teachers, care staff and the community surrounding the site. A newly coined concept of minusio, emerged over time and served as an invisible basis for art-care, in a sense the mirror(ing) of the gift of nurturing but also the lack of care—and offering a route to what human’s really desire, when they are not so busy and distracted by the banality of the world. Minusio is not an answer to lack of care; perhaps, but an aesthetic way to be with art and stones, and other materials and processes in borderspaces that may provide a ‘bridge’ for us back to the maternal, to Nature and healthy ways to exist. Using an ethical minusio principle of less is more aesthetic, the art residency was empathetically sensitive to place, and specifically to mountain crushed stones (gravel) for children and adults to bond with.

Author Biography

R. Micheal Fisher is a Canadian artist, researcher, author, educator (Ph.D. University of British Columbia, 2003) and independent scholar, He has had careers in nature interpretation, environmental biology, reha- bilitation, family and youth therapy, school teaching and adult eduction. Since his teens, he has been ded- icated to Life and the decolonization of his mind through arts and healing technologies. He has exhibited his art internationally, written numerous monographs on the problem of fear and is finishing a collabora- tive book on art-care and the value of aesthetics to develop true compassion and wisdom. He is currently Human Resources consultant to a daycare centre in Nanaimo, BC.



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