Volume 6, Issue 1 (2021) Stories that Mattered
Editor: Peter LondonFull Issue
Full Issue Artizein_December 2021
Peter London
Front Matter Artizein December 2021
Peter London
Editorial Foreword
Barbara Bickel
Introduction: Stories that Mattered
Peter London
Melvin Gets A Passing Grade
Peter London
Amelia's Gift
Daniel J. Mydlack
Reflections, Relationships and Art Class
Rochelle St. Martin Pettenati
Keep On Going...
Jane K. Bates
The Bridge
Bonnie Berkowitz
Do Teachers Know This?
David L. Pike
A Story Without End...
Holly Edwards
Fashion, Identity and The Muslim-American Narrative
Shireen Soliman
The Art Of Storying A Life
Alexandra Fidyk

Cover Art
Peter London. Title: Joining Heaven and Earth, # 11. Medium: Oil bars on lithography paper