Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science


Computer Science

First Advisor

Hexmoor, Henry


In recent years, two of the most rapidly developing technologies have been blockchain and artificial intelligence. Combining these technologies could lead to an ecosystem that is more reliable, open, and productive across many sectors. This thesis sets out to solve the problem of quantifying the value of artificial intelligence (AI) in the context of blockchain technology, and of the possibilities of blockchain technology in terms of data and transaction management for AI applications.This thesis presents a thorough analysis of the previous studies and methods that have combined blockchain technology with artificial intelligence. The limitations and difficulties of these technologies are highlighted, and a framework is proposed to help academics and developers more efficiently incorporate them into their work.This thesis employs a systematic literature study, an examination of several use cases and applications of blockchain and AI, and an assessment of potential solutions. The study's overarching goal is to illuminate the possible upsides and caveats of combining blockchain technology with artificial intelligence, as well as to pinpoint use cases where doing so would be most useful.This thesis proposes a framework that, if implemented, will allow blockchain and AI to work together to produce a decentralized and safe environment that takes full advantage of the advantages of both technologies. Further research and development into these technologies is necessary, as emphasized by the framework, in order to fully exploit their potential. This dissertation emphasizes the potential benefits of integrating blockchain and AI and helps to our understanding of the synergy between these two technologies. This thesis aspires to motivate future study in this area and lead to important developments in the field.




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