Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Arts



First Advisor

Drake, Chad


Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is an empirically supported cognitive behavioral therapy. The ACT model is designed around a set of six core processes utilized to increase psychological flexibility. Engagement with values, one of the six core processes, is associated with several indicators of well-being. However, recent reviews of ACT values measures from experts in the field raised concerns that current instruments do not adequately assess the values process. The current study examined the structure and psychometric properties of a new values measure, titled the Valued Living Questionnaire—Online version (VLQ-O), that was developed from considerations raised in these reviews. The results of an EFA indicated that the VLQ-O produced a three-factor structure comprised of Values Flexibility, Values Inflexibility, and Values Obligations. The Activity and Preferred Activity scores did not load consistently onto any discernable factor. The subscales of the VLQ-O produced poor internal consistency. The scores for Activity and Values Flexibility subscales correlated positively with measures of well-being and negatively with measures of psychological distress. Additionally, these subscales were significantly positively related to MPFI Flexibility and VQ Progress and well as negatively related to MPFI Inflexibility and VQ Obstruction. Values Inflexibility and Values Obligation correlated positively with measures of psychological distress and negatively with measures of well-being. The Values Obligation subscale did not correlate with social desirability. Multiple subscales of the VLQ-O demonstrated significant correlations with multiple subscales of the BFI. Additionally, the VLQ-O established predictive validity for measures of psychological distress and well-being. Further, it established improvements in predictive validity for flourishing and psychological distress when compared to the Valuing Questionnaire (VQ). Overall, the findings from this study provide some supportive preliminary evidence for the validity of the VLQ-O.




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