Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science


Behavior Analysis and Therapy

First Advisor

Dixon, Mark


AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OFMichael Chandler, for the Master of Science degree in Behavior Analysis and Therapy, presented on April 9, 2020, at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. TITLE: THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MONETARY AND PAID TIME OFF DISCOUNTING IN RECREATIONAL GAMBLERSMAJOR PROFESSOR: Dr. Mark R. DixonThe purpose of the present study sought to evaluate the subjective value of different commodities (money and paid time off) by recreational gamblers and whether their discounting practices related to person-level characteristics (i.e. salary, age, SOGS score). Discounting surveys for both commodities were completed by 30 participants. Results from the study show that there is a good fit using the hyperbolic model for both discounting of money (R2= .9932 ) and paid time off (R2= .9935). Pearson correlations between commodity AUCs were the only statistically significant correlation (p < .005 ), while the person-level characteristics were not statistically significant. Implications, strengths, limitations, and future research based off the current study are discussed.Keywords: recreational gamblers, SOGS, AUC, indifference points




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