
Let H be an r-uniform hypergraph of order p, and {Hp1, Hp2,...} be a countable sequence of r-uniform hypergraphs with Hpn having pn vertices. The sequence is H-removable if Hp1 ∼= H and Hpn − S ∼= Hp(n−1) where S is any vertex subset of Hpn that induces a copy of H. This paper deals with the case H = Kr p. It provides a construction of hypergraphs with a high degree of symmetry; where for any such hypergraph, all the ways of removing the vertices of any fixed number of disjoint Kr p’s yields the same subgraph. The case r = 2 was studied by the authors in [3]. This paper gives the generalization to r-uniform hypergraphs for all r = 2, 3,....
