Submissions from 2024
Proof of the Riemann Hypothesis Using Modified Trigonometric Series, Daniel R. Hummer
Submissions from 2016
Squared Bessel Process with Delay, Harry Randolph Hughes and Pathiranage Lochana Siriwardena
Smallest labelled class and largest automorphism group of a tree T_{s,t}, John McSorley
Submissions from 2015
PAC Learning, VC Dimension, and the Arithmetic Hierarchy, Wesley Calvert
Genericity and UD-random reals, Wesley Calvert and Johanna Franklin
Submissions from 2014
Efficient Variable Step Size Approximations for Strong Solutions of Stochastic Differential Equations with Additive Noise and Time Singularity, Harry Randolph Hughes and Pathiranage Lochana Siriwardena
The m-Path Cover Polynomial of a Graph and a model for General Coefficient Linear Recurrences, John McSorley and Philip j. Feinsilver
Submissions from 2013
On an Additive Characterization of a Skew Hadamard (n, n−1/ 2 , n−3 4 )-Difference Set in an Abelian Group, John McSorley
Rhombic tilings of (n,k)-Ovals, (n,k,λ)-cyclic difference sets, and related topics, John McSorley and Alan Schoen
Submissions from 2012
On a Diophantine Equation That Generates All Integral Apollonian Gaskets, Jerzy Kocik
Submissions from 2011
Submissions from 2010
Norm Euclidean Quaternionic Orders, Robert W. Fitzgerald
On k-minimum and m-minimum Edge-Magic Injections of Graphs, John P. McSorley and John A. Trono
Feedback Linearizable Feedforward Systems: A Special Class, Issa Amadou Tall
State and Feedback Linearizations of Single-Input Control Systems, Issa Amadou Tall
Submissions from 2009
Invariants of Trace Forms over Finite Fields of Characteristic 2, Robert W. Fitzgerald
Sun's Conjectures on Fourth Powers in the Class Group of Binary Quadratic Forms, Robert W. Fitzgerald
Trace Forms over Finite Fields of Characteristic 2 with Prescribed Invariants, Robert W. Fitzgerald
Norm Principles for Forms of Higher Degree Permitting Composition, Robert W. Fitzgerald and Susanne Pumplün
The Adjoint L-function of SU2,1, Joseph Hundley
Descent Construction for GSpin Groups – Even Case, Joseph Hundley and Eitan Sayag
Descent Construction for GSpin Groups–Odd Case, Joseph Hundley and Eitan Sayag
Descent Construction for GSpin Groups – Odd Cuspidal Case, Joseph Hundley and Eitan Sayag
Descent Construction for GSpin Groups: Main Results and Applications, Joseph Hundley and Eitan Sayag
Multivariate Matching Polynomials of Cyclically Labelled Graphs, John P. McSorley and Philip Feinsilver
Neighborhood Champions in Regular Graphs, John McSorley and Walter D. Wallis
Anomaly Graphs and Champions, John McSorley, Walter D. Wallis, and Carey E. Priebe
Stochastic Dynamical Systems in Infinite Dimensions, Salah-Eldin A. Mohammed
Analytic Normal Forms and Symmetries of Strict Feedforward Control Systems, Issa Amadou Tall and Witold Respondek
Submissions from 2008
The Weak Euler Scheme for Stochastic Delay Equations, Evelyn Buckwar, Rachel Kuske, Salah-Eldin A. Mohammed, and Tony Shardlow
Multiplicative Properties of Integral Binary Quadratic Forms, A. G. Earnest and Robert W. Fitzgerald
The Adjoint L-function for GL5, David Ginzburg and Joseph Hundley
Spin L-functions for GSO10 and GSO12, Joseph Hundley
Comment on “The Expectation Of Independent Domination Number Over Random Binary Trees”, John McSorley and Lane Clark
Constructing and Classifying Neighborhood Anti-Sperner Graphs, John P. McSorley
Factoring Families of Positive Knots on Lorenz-like Templates, Michael C. Sullivan
Submissions from 2007
Hartman-Grobman Theorems along Hyperbolic Stationary Trajectories, Edson A. Coayla-Teran, Salah-Eldin A. Mohammed, and Paulo Régis C. Ruffino
Represented Value Sets for Integral Binary Quadratic Forms and Lattices, A. G. Earnest and Robert W. Fitzgerald
Highly Degenerate Quadratic Forms over F2, Robert W. Fitzgerald
Explicit Factorizations of Cyclotomic and Dickson Polynomials over Finite Fields, Robert W. Fitzgerald and Joseph L. Yucas
Generalized Reciprocals, Factors of Dickson Polynomials and Generalized Cyclotomic Polynomials over Finite Fields, Robert W. Fitzgerald and Joseph L. Yucas
On Spin L-functions for GSO10, David Ginzburg and Joseph Hundley
There are no non-trivially uniformly (t,r)-regular graphs for t > 2., John P. McSorley, Dean Hoffman, Peter Johnson, Kevin Lin, Caleb Petrie, and Luc Teirlinck
Closed-Neighborhood Anti-Sperner Graphs, John P. McSorley, Alison Marr, Thomas D. Porter, and Walter D. Wallis
Complete Enumeration and Properties of Binary Pseudo-Youden Designs PYD(9, 6, 6), John P. McSorley and Nicholas C. Phillips
Constructing t-designs from t-wise Balanced Designs, John P. McSorley and Leonard H. Soicher
The Substitution Theorem for Semilinear Stochastic Partial Differential Equations, Salah-Eldin A. Mohammed and Tusheng Zhang
Prediction Intervals for Regression Models, David J. Olive
Behavior of Elemental Sets in Regression, David J. Olive and Douglas M. Hawkins
Submissions from 2006
Periodic Prime Knots and Toplogically transitive Flows on 3-Manifolds, William Basener and Michael C. Sullivan
Classification from a computable viewpoint, Wesley Calvert and Julia F. Knight
Trees of Scot rank ω1CK, and computable approximability, Wesley Calvert, Julia F. Knight, and Jessica Millar
Bass Series for Small Witt Rings, Robert W. Fitzgerald
The Spin L-Function of Quasi-Split D4, Wee Teck Gan and Joseph Hundley
A New Tower of Rankin-Selberg Integrals, David Ginzburg and Joseph Hundley
Totally Magic Injections of Graphs, John P. McSorley
Large Deviations for Stochastic Systems with Memory, Salah-Eldin A. Mohammed and Tusheng Zhang
The Stable Manifold Theorem for Semilinear Stochastic Evolution Equations and Stochastic Partial Differential Equations, Salah-Eldin A. Mohammed, Tusheng Zhang, and Huaizhong Zhao
Factoring Positive Braids via Branched Manifolds, Michael C. Sullivan
Submissions from 2005
Equivariant Flow Equivalence of Shifts of Finite Type by Matrix Equivalence over Group Rings, Mike Boyle and Michael C. Sullivan
The isomorphism problem for computable Abelian p-groups of bounded length, Wesley Calvert
Highly Degenerate Quadratic Forms over Finite Fields of Characteristic 2, Robert W. Fitzgerald
Factors of Dickson Polynomials over Finite Fields, Robert W. Fitzgerald and Joseph L. Yucas
Sums of Gauss Sums and Weights of Irreducible Codes, Robert W. Fitzgerald and Joseph L. Yucas
Double Arrays, Triple Arrays, and Balanced Grids with v = r + c - 1, John P. McSorley
Double Arrays, Triple Arrays and Balanced Grids, John P. McSorley, Nicholas C. Phillips, Walter D. Wallis, and Joseph L. Yucas
Two Simple Resistant Regression Estimators, David J. Olive
Variable Selection for 1D Regression Models, David J. Olive and Douglas M. Hawkins
Knots on a Positive Template have a Bounded Number of Prime Factors., Michael C. Sullivan
Symbolic Dynamics and its Applications, Michael C. Sullivan
Twistwise Flow Equivalence and Beyond..., Michael C. Sullivan
Feedback Classification of Multi-Input Nonlinear Control Systems, Issa Amadou Tall
A Stochastic Calculus for Systems with Memory, Feng Yan and Salah-Eldin A. Mohammed
Submissions from 2004
The Linking Homomorphism of One-Dimensional Minimal Sets, Alex Clark and Michael C. Sullivan
Pencils of Quadratic Forms over Finite Fields, Robert W. Fitzgerald and Joseph L. Yucas
Multi-variable Rankin-Selberg Integrals for Orthogonal Groups, David Ginzburg and Joseph Hundley
Discrete-time Approximations of Stochastic Delay Equations: The Milstein Scheme, Yaozhong Hu, Salah-Eldin A. Mohammed, and Feng Yan
Generating Sequences of Clique-Symmetric Graphs via Eulerian Digraphs, John P. McSorley and Thomas D. Porter
Bounds for Overfull Sets of One-Factors, John McSorley and Walter D. Wallis Dr
The Stable Manifold Theorem for Nonlinear Stochastic Systems with Memory: II. The Local Stable Manifold Theorem, Salah-Eldin A. Mohammed and Michael K. R. Scheutzow
A Resistant Estimator of Multivariate Location and Dispersion, David J. Olive
Visualizing 1D Regression, David J. Olive
Submissions from 2003
A Characterization of Primitive Polynomials over Finite Fields, Robert W. Fitzgerald
Irreducible Polynomials over GF(2) with Three Prescribed Coefficients, Robert W. Fitzgerald and Joseph L. Yucas
Vertex-magic Labeling of Trees and Forests, I. D. Gray, J. MacDougall, John P. McSorley, and Walter D. Wallis
Controllability and Local Accessibility—A Normal Form Approach, Wei Kang, MingQing Xiao, and Issa Amadou Tall
Quantum Invariants of Templates, Louis H. Kauffman, Masahico Saito, and Michael C. Sullivan
Clique-Symmetric Uniform Hypergraphs, John P. McSorley and Thomas Porter
K_p-Removable Sequences of Graphs, John P. McSorley and Thomas D. Porter
On the Spectra of Totally Magic Labelings, John P. McSorley and Walter D. Wallis
Robust Regression with High Coverage, David J. Olive and Douglas M. Hawkins
Feedback Classification of Nonlinear Single-Input Control Systems with Controllable Linearization: Normal Forms, Canonical Forms, and Invariants, Issa Amadou Tall and Witold Respondek
Submissions from 2002
Orthogonal Arrays of Strength Three from Regular 3-Wise Balanced Designs, Charles J. Colbourn, D. L. Kreher, John P. McSorley, and D. R. Stinson
Totally Magic Graphs, Geoffrey Exoo, Alan C. H. Ling, John P. McSorley, Nicholas C. Phillips, and Walter D. Wallis
Inconsistency of Resampling Algorithms for High Breakdown Regression Estimators and a New Algorithm, Douglas M. Hawkins and David J. Olive
Applications of Robust Distances for Regression, David J. Olive
Submissions from 2001
A Note on Visualizing Response Transformations in Regression, R. Dennis Cook and David J. Olive
Isotropy and Factorization in Reduced Witt Rings, Robert W. Fitzgerald
Norms of Sums of Squares, Robert W. Fitzgerald