Daily Egyptian 1999 | Southern Illinois University Carbondale Research | OpenSIUC

These files were scanned from the highest quality microfilm held by Morris Library, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, and OCR’d to support searchability. Because some areas of the microfilm are faint or unreadable, the OCR is not perfect and some words within a file may not be optically recognized. For assistance with the digitized Daily Egyptian please contact the Special Collections Research Center at specoll@lib.siu.edu.

The digital reproductions on this site, from materials held by the Special Collections Research Center at Southern Illinois University Carbondale, are provided to Southern Illinois University Carbondale students, faculty and staff, and other researchers who visit this site, for research consultation and scholarly purposes only. Further distribution and/or any commercial use of the works from this site is strictly forbidden without the permission of the Daily Egyptian. All newspapers published prior to 1923 are in the public domain.


Browse the Daily Egyptian 1999 Collections:

January 1999

February 1999

March 1999

April 1999

May 1999

June 1999

July 1999

August 1999

September 1999

October 1999

November 1999

December 1999