Helminths were recovered from 12 (12%) of 100 deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) and 26 (24%) of 109 white-footed mice (P. leucopus) collected in 16 counties of southern Illinois. Helminths from deer mice included Choanotaenia peromysci (7.0%), Hymenolepis bennetti (2.0%), Postharmostomum helicis (1.0%), Physaloptera sp. (1.0%), Rictularia coloradensis (1.0%) and Moniliformis clarki (1.0%). Hymenolepis bennetti (1.8%), Physaloptera sp. (4.6%), and Rictularia coloradensis (20.0%) occurred in white-footed mice. C. peromysci and R. coloradensis revealed a high degree of host-specificity and along with Physaloptera showed some degree of habitat dependence. Infection rates were highest during the summer. Thirteen (65%) of 20 southern short-tailed shrews (Blarina carolinensis) were infected with Cryptocotylepis anthocephalus (40.0%), Brachylaima thompsoni (20.0%), Panopistus pricei (15.0%), Capillaria sp. (15.0%), Porrocaecum ensicaudatum (10.0%) and Porracaecum sp. (10.0%).
Recommended Citation
Barker, Celeste M., Dyer, William G. and Feldhamer, George A. "Helminths of Peromyscus leucopus, P. maniculatus, and Blarina carolinensis from Southern Illinois." (Jan 1987).
Published in Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science, Vol. 80 No. 1 and 2 (1987).