Date of Award


Honors Thesis Number



Information Systems Technology


This paper describes why SIU needs a class that incorporates hands on in an advance telecommunications course. It gives a brief history of the Internet along with the need for IT skilled workers their education and the future expectations of the Internet. The paper also gives an example of what the class structure would be. This class has some differences between the two networking courses already in existences regards to their outcomes. ELM 415 would be very Hands-on type of course where students spend a great deal of time in lab installing and configuring software and hardware. The assessment would be primarily performance based, where they have to demonstrate working systems. The course would be a last in a series of courses that have been designed so that students who wish to put in a little more time on their own can be prepared to take the Cisco Certified Network Associate certification test. The prerequisite courses to ELM 415 are similar in that they are very lab intensive with a focus on installation, configuration, and troubleshooting. With a large growth and need in the IT field, SIU needs to take advantage of this and advance students in their personal growth and education. SIU also can take advantage of the opportunity of economic growth, of which comes student enrollment and recognition in the field.
