Date of Award
Degree Name
Master of Science
First Advisor
Rehfeldt, Ruth Anne
Behavioral skills training (BST) has been widely used to effectively and quickly instruct learners with limited knowledge in behavior analytic skills. A training package composed of didactic instruction presented via PowerPoint, modeling, rehearsal, feedback and in vivo components were utilized to instruct two mothers of children with autism spectrum disorders to deliver learning trials with their child to contrive MOs to increase their manding repertoires. A multiple probe across participants design was used to assess the effects of BST on the participant's performance. Prior to the beginning of the study, participants were instructed to systematically identify child's reinforcers by delivering a paired choice preference assessment. Mothers were involved in choosing the manding targets used in the child's instruction. BST was effective in demonstrating rapid acquisition of skills taught to both mothers compared to baseline performances. Although child's behavior increased over pretest measures, it did not improve significantly due variable responding. Time constraints and child's excessive variable responding lead to termination of the study.
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