"Unmasking the Intersection of Sacred and Self: The Scenic Design for D" by Bobbie Jo Bonebrake

Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts



First Advisor

Naversen, Ronald


AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF BOBBIE J. BONEBRAKE, for the Master of Fine Arts degree in Theater, presented on 24 February 2009, at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. TITLE: UNMASKING THE INTERSECTION OF SACRED AND SELF: THE SCENIC DESIGN FOR DEATH AND THE KING'S HORSEMAN MAJOR PROFESSOR: Dr. Ronald Naversen This thesis presents the written documentation and evaluation of the process involved in the scenic design for Death and the King's Horseman. Chapter One is an in-depth analysis of the script, containing research specific for this production. Chapter Two describes the stages of development throughout the design process. The third chapter discusses the implementation of the design during the build process. The fourth, and final, chapter examines the evaluation and response of this production. Research images, renderings, models, drafting and paint elevations, and production photographs can all be viewed in the appendices of this document.




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