Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science


Behavior Analysis and Therapy

First Advisor

Shawler, Lesley


The trial-based functional analysis (TBFA) has recently emerged for practitioners as a method to determine the function(s) of challenging behavior in natural contexts such as the classroom or residential settings. Comparisons between TBFA and other functional analyses (FA) results have shown high correspondence when identifying the function(s) of challenging behavior. Currently, the TBFA has mainly been conducted in classroom settings with teachers or paraprofessionals. Although important in educational contexts, it is unknown if the TBFA would identify the same function(s) of challenging behavior across different settings, thus possibly limiting its utility. The purpose of the current study was to compare the results of a parent-conducted TBFA in the child’s home and at a university-based autism clinic. TBFA results found minimal differences regardless of the setting, suggesting that the TBFA procedures can be conducted in clinics or at home while producing similar findings. Social validity results for two of the three families were identical across settings, suggesting they had no preference for where to conduct the TBFA or any of the conditions. However, one caregiver preferred the escape and tangible conditions over the attention condition. The same caregiver also preferred the home TBFA over the clinic TBFA. High procedural integrity was reported on the author’s ability to facilitate the TBFA procedures with the families. Taken together, these data will help to guide and inform future treatment recommendations for families.




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