"Investigating β-Ga2O3 Based MOSFETs and Their Electrical Breakdown" by Maziar Sayeh

Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science


Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Ahmed, Shaikh


TCAD numerical simulations have been carried out to study the current-voltage, electrical breakdown, and self-heating characteristics of β-Ga2O3 based metal-oxide field effect transistors (MOSFETs). β-Ga2O3 semiconductor has an ultra-wide bandgap of ~ 4.8 eV, a theoretical critical breakdown field strength, Ec ~ 8 MV/cm, making it an excellent candidate for high-voltage or power electronics applications. The numerical simulations have been benchmarked against experimentally reported data. For modeling impact ionization, which is expected to induce intrinsic avalanche breakdown, the Selberherr’s model has been used with appropriate parameterization. For a device with a gate length of 2 μm, 0.6 μm gate-drain spacing, 3.4 μm source-drain spacing, and 20 nm thick Al2O3 gate insulator, the intrinsic breakdown voltage was found to be ~460 V. While self-heating dramatically affects the output current and conductance, it has an insignificant effect on the breakdown voltage. The use of a thinner epitaxial channel was found to increase the breakdown voltage slightly (by ~30 V).

Available for download on Wednesday, February 25, 2026




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