Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science


Communication Disorders and Sciences

First Advisor

Boyer, Valerie


AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OFBayley Eubanks, for the Master of Science degree in Communication Disorders and Sciences presented on March 30, 2023, at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. TITLE: COMPARING KNOWLEDGE ABOUT DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS OF CHILDHOOD APRAXIA SPEECH AND PHONOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT BETWEEN COMMUNICATION DISORDERS AND SCIENCES GRADUATE STUDENTSMAJOR PROFESSOR: Dr. Valerie Boyer The purpose of the study was to gather information from current graduate students by a brief in-service on the differential diagnosis of CAS and PD in speech-language pathology pre-professionals. The distinctions between CAS and other speech sound disorders, such as PD, must be made clear to pre-professional SLPs to avoid incorrect diagnosis and inefficient therapy. This research focused on looking at CDS graduate students knowledge regarding signs and symptoms of CAS and PD following a brief-in-service. This research also looked at if there was a different in the reported degree of difficulty in differential diagnosis between CAS and PD following a brief in-service on differential diagnosis, and an overall difference in knowledge following a brief in-service on CAS. Results showed the brief in service was successful overall.




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