Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science


Civil Engineering

First Advisor

Tezcan, Jale


Assessment of the quality, functionality and stability of the structures plays vital role throughout its lifetime. To gather information about the status of any structure, Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) has key role. The shift from visual inspection based structural health monitoring to application of heuristic algorithms for the optimization of sensor placement shows the essence and increasing concern of society towards structural health monitoring. Theory behind optimal sensor placement (OSP) is to obtain a sensor configuration that provides as much information of the dynamic system as possible during vibration based structural health monitoring of the structures, where large degree of freedom and limited number of sensors are available. Placement of the sensors at each degree of freedom is not possible due to practical and cost constraints. In this thesis, we are using the Simulated Annealing (SA) approach which resembles the physical process of the simulated annealing to find out the best configuration of the sensors in a simply supported truss bridge with 27 members, 15 nodes and 27 active degrees of freedom. First six modes of vibration are taken into consideration during this study. During our research we studied two objective functions based on modal assurance criterion (MAC) and minimized the values of the objective function. We observed the objective function for different number of sensors changing the different parameters. The obtained values of objective function, convergence plot of the configuration, box plot for number of iterations and MAC plot suggests that the proposed simulated annealing approach is efficient and can be potentially used in practical optimal sensor placement (OSP) purposes.




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