Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science


Civil Engineering

First Advisor

Tezcan, Jale


Genetic Expression Programming (GEP) is used to create Ground Motion Predicting Equations (GMPEs) for the average peak ground acceleration using 12,854 ground motion records obtained from the NGA-WEST2 project. The predictor set considered in this research consists of the moment magnitude, dip angle, rake angle, depth to the top of fault rupture, Joyner Boore distance, closest distance to the ruptured fault area, and the shear wave velocity in the top 30 m of the site. Four out of 23 candidate models were able to fairly predict the PGA for magnitudes larger than 4.5 and compared well with existing GMPEs in literature. GEP was capable of reasonably predicting the physical importance of the magnitude and distance parameters. However, other parameters often were either not fitted, or fitted as regression coefficients. The results illustrate GEP’s potential as a viable alternative to regression methods currently used in developing GMPEs.




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