Date of Award
Degree Name
Master of Science
Behavior Analysis and Therapy
First Advisor
Dixon, Mark
The purpose of this study was to add to the existing body of research supporting the efficacy of ACT in improving performance and psychological challenges athletes experience. Three collegiate women’s basketball players participated in the current study in a multiple baseline design across participants. Two of the three subjects received the ACT only condition and individualized ACT plus mindfulness (IACT+M) treatment conditions. Subject three entered the IACT+M condition directly following baseline. Free throws, Mikan drill and three-ball dribbling where the three skills being assessed as well as psychological flexibility using two the assessment tools. The results suggest that brief ACT interventions may be useful for improving practice performance for collegiate basketball players. Participant one had an average increase for free throws by M=12.9%, a M=5% increase in the Mikan drill, and M=3.3% increase in the three-ball drill. Participant two had an average increase of M=7.3% for free throws, M=1.8% increase in the Mikan drill and M=0.4% increase in the three-ball drill. Participant three had an average increase of M=13% for free throws, 1.8% increase in the Mikan drill and a M=2% increase in the three-ball drill.
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