Date of Award
Degree Name
Master of Science
Computer Science
First Advisor
Sinha, Koushik
With ushering of 5G networks, dynamic spectrum sensing and allocation has become major area of research in recent times. There are some approaches-based on leveraging mobile users for spectrum sensing. However, none of the existing solution in literature takes into account both energy-efficient operations of sensing devices and their hardware limitations while allocating sensing task to mobile users. As spectrum sensing is a time-consuming and computation-intensive task, a practical crowdsensing based spectrum usage map creation strategy needs to consider the trade-off between execution time and completeness defined in terms of coverage of geographical/service area as well as spectrum bands. In this approach, we are going to create a spectrum usage database for each location with each sensed channel marked as idle, busy or undermined. An algorithm is proposed based on energy and hardware limitation of sensing devices for allocation of crowdsensing tasks.
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