Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science



First Advisor

Goodson, Boyd


Signal Amplification by Reversible Exchange (SABRE) is a hyperpolarization technique that utilizes parahydrogen for the NMR signal enhancement of nuclear spins. SABRE is related to Parahydrogen Induced Polarization (PHIP), another means of hyperpolarization using parahydrogen; PHIP achieves hyperpolarization via chemical reduction. Although PHIP and SABRE share many similarities in experimentation, PHIP ultimately requires the presence of an unsaturated chemical bond as well as pairwise-addition of parahydrogen. No permanent chemical change occurs during SABRE, and instead may be considered as a merely physical exchange between molecules with sites on a catalyst. PHIP and SABRE may be compared to Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP), arguably the most well-known and researched method for hyperpolarization; despite all that has been achieved with DNP, PHIP and SABRE offer vastly more-rapid, less-expensive, and more-simplified approaches for achieving hyperpolarization. The focus of this work is experimentation with SABRE processes and methods designed to overcome certain experimental challenges associated with this technique.




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