Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science



First Advisor

Dixon, Mark


The current study evaluated the methods outlined in the Promoting the Emergence of Advanced Knowledge Relational Training System Transformation Module (PEAK-T). Researches evaluated the validity and efficacy of the PEAK-T assessment at identifying skill deficits as well as its ability to identify appropriate intervention to target those deficits. Additionally, the current study evaluated the efficacy and validity of the methods as outline by the PEAK-T curriculum at teaching target skills. The PEAK-T assessment was conducted to identify three programs for each of the participants. Baseline probes of three boys with autism suggested that programs identified by the PEAK-T assessment were not in their repertories prior to treatment. Following treatment each of the participants was able to achieve mastery of all three programs this included directly trained as well as derived relations. The PEAK-T assessment was run following the intervention, all participants exhibited an increase in total PEAK-T score.




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