Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science


Computer Science

First Advisor

Sinha, Koushik


In this paper we will consider the problem of optimally placing the access points (AP) in an ultra-dense 5G network which covers a rectangular region such that very point inside the rectangular region will be covered by at least one access point. We will analyze the sum of the total transmission power for all the access points and see how much wastage is there. We will measure the wastage in the transmission power by arranging the APs with touching and intersecting circles and try to minimize it with the factor that the whole area is covered. We will then propose a novel approach of placing the intersecting circles and show that the wastage on the total transmission power will be minimal. For intersecting circles we found the power wastage to be around 20.77% but it rises more from this value due to the wastage in the outer region on the boundary of the region considered. We have shown how the touching circles produce greater wastage in the region considered which around 81.4%. We have also shown how the value for the wastage varies with the increase in the length of the sides of the region considered. We have also developed an algorithm that will produce the centers of the circles for a scenario where circles of equal radius are considered. Ultimately we have shown that using four small circles of radius (0.5 times and 0.125 times) we can decrease the wastage value to around 29%. These circles are the one on the boundary who have most of their areas outside the region. So we have created a starting structure for future works.




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