Date of Award
Degree Name
Master of Science
Electrical and Computer Engineering
First Advisor
Sayeh, Mohammad
In this thesis, first an introduction about Polarization maintaining fibers (PMF) and the alignment in PMF are discussed. Later, the polarization of light and methods for representing polarization state are reviewed along with some of their measurable properties and classification. More importantly the polarization-maintaining capability of a PANDA-style PM fiber is tested through a technique. The technique relies on changing angular position of the direction of the input linear polarized light and on recording the states of polarization at the output. Furthermore, measurements are taken when the PM fiber is bent. The measurements clearly depict the fact that when the input linearly polarized light direction is aligned to one of the two birefringent axes, the output polarization state is exactly the same as the input polarization state. Also the state of polarization remains unchanged even if the PM fiber is bent. However, if the necessary alignment is not considered, the input polarization state will be changed at the output completely. Also, bending the PM fiber makes the output polarization state even more variable.
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