Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts


Mass Communication and Media Arts

First Advisor

Martinez, Antonio


In this paper, I discuss the line that divides propaganda and persuasion in relation to my thesis work, The Thin Line Between Propaganda and Persuasion. My intention is to show how easily images can transfer between propaganda and persuasion. I analyze this division between propaganda and persuasion by discussing propaganda as one-way communication process and persuasion as a two-way communication process. Then I discuss my relationship to photography, graffiti, and how my own work furthers the conversation of propaganda and persuasion in relation to other artists. In the next section, I contextualize my use of the database in parallel to news media photographs. Following this section I write about the construction of The Thin Line Between Propaganda and Persuasion. I conclude with the importance of analyzing image databases in context to propaganda and persuasion and it's relevance to my thesis work.




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