Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science


Food and Nutrition

First Advisor

Peterson, Sharon


AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Olivia Hilliard, for the Master of Science degree in Community Nutrition, presented on December 3rd, 2008, at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. TITLE: A PILOT STUDY OF KEY COMPONENTS OF A COMMUNITY-BASED, LIFESTYLE INTERVENTION FOR MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS WHO ARE "AT-RISK" FOR TYPE 2 DIABETES MAJOR PROFESSOR: Dr. Sharon Peterson An increasing occurrence of childhood overweight has led to an increase in risk for Type 2 Diabetes (T2DM) in adolescents (3). Few community-based lifestyle interventions for children who are at risk for T2DM have been reported. The purpose of this study was to determine which factors of our community-based intervention were most likely to influence the positive anthropometric outcomes and which components were considered most valuable to participants and to parents. Significant decrease in % Body Fat (% Fat) and significant increase in muscle mass was found from baseline to three months. Number of servings of vegetables per day was significantly related to an increase in % Fat, significant increase in fat mass (lbs) and a significant decrease in muscle mass (lbs). Education and income were found to have a positive significant relationship. Education and % Fat were found to have a negative significant relationship. Specifically, the goal was to determine what components of the program should be continually used, which should be used with revisions, and which should no longer be used. When the parents were asked about attending the fitness centers, 86.7% responded "continue" and 13.3% responded "revise." To the question regarding weekly phone calls 53.3% of the parents responded "continue", 33.3% responded "revise", and 13.3% responded "discontinue." When the parents were asked about learning about healthy snacks, 100% responded "continue." The questions to parents regarding learning about body image, 80% responded "continue" and 20% responded "revise." Participants reported that physical activities and the fact that they "liked it all" were the most valuable components of the program. The parents also reported it to be valuable that their child was being involved, attending a fitness center, and receiving nutrition information. Results of this study could be used in developing successful interventions for adolescents "at-risk" for T2DM. Results of this study conclude that community-based lifestyle interventions are critical in helping adolescents who are "at-risk" for T2DM. This study has been proven valuable to the understanding of what participants like about the program.




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