Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts



First Advisor

Holcombe, Robert


A Christmas Story was presented on November 20th through December 7th, 2008 in the McLeod Theater at Southern Illinois University. This thesis documents the Technical Direction process for this production. Chapter One deals with the script of A Christmas Story, breaking down the script into scenes and what is scenically important in each scene. Also discussed are my goals and challenges for the show and how I will accomplish those goals and overcome the challenges. Chapter Two discusses the design elements of the production. It discusses the large components of the production and how they were solved. Chapter Three explains how I was evaluated during the process, how I evaluated myself and how I evaluated the process as a whole. Finally Chapter Four presents topics the technical directors need to watch for when reading a script and preparing for a production. Things like multiple locations, vehicles on stage and unusual scenery called for in the production. These can be things that are mentioned in a script or come up from researching previous productions. Also included in this thesis are appendices which include the bid, to do lists from the build and draftings.




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