Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Arts



First Advisor

Wang, Yu-Wei


Through the use of an analog methodology and a factorial experimental design, the current study investigated the effects of counselors' race and multicultural competency on counselor preference for Black participants. Eighty-seven African American college students participated in an online or computer-administered study. The African American multiculturally competent counselor received significantly higher counselor effectiveness ratings than did the White multiculturally competent counselor. Also, the correlations between racial identity ideologies and counselor effectiveness were examined within each condition of race and multicultural competency. Racial Identity was measured with the Multidimensional Inventory of Black Identity (Sellers, Rowley, Chavous, Shelton, & Smith, 1997). The findings from this study may assist counselors and researchers in understanding how potential African American clients perceive counselors based on their race and multicultural competency and how client's racial identity may affect African American clients' perceptions of counselors' effectiveness.




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