
Population changes of Iresine rhizomatosa Standl. (Juda’s bush, bloodleaf: Amaranthaceae) a State listed (Endangered in Illinois and Maryland, Rare in Indiana) perennial bush of floodplain forests is reported. The size/stage class distribution of I. rhizomatosa plants in Beall Woods and Robeson Hills, Illinois was determined to assess the proportional representation of individuals of different sizes, and monitor fecundity. One hundred randomly located individuals were tagged in each population in March 2012 and monitored for two years. Seedling emergence was monitored from fall 2012 through spring 2013. The number of flowering spikes, and numbers of seed produced were monitored on randomly selected adult plants in fall 2012. Survivorship of seedlings was low (< 50%), re-growth of plants was poor, and seeds had low viability (8-12%) and germination rate (< 1%); all features consistent with the rare status of this state-endangered plant. As a perennial, this plant is buffered to some extent against periods of poor recruitment, but populations would be at risk if these coincided with periods of high adult mortality.
