Online Journal for Workforce Education and Development | Vol 3 | Iss 1

Editorial Staff for Volume 3, Issue 1


A. R. Putnam, Ed.D., Department of Workforce Education and Development, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, IL

Issue Editor

Frederick R. Isberner, Ph.D., Southern Illinois University Carbondale, IL

Managing Editor

Eric P. Mathews, M.S., Southern Illinois University Carbondale, IL

Style Editor

Luke J. Steinke, Ph.D., Eastern Illinois University

Editorial Board

Clora Mae Baker, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Workforce Education and Development, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, IL

Paul E. Brauchle, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Industrial Technology, Illinois State University, IL

Cecilia Maldonado-Daniels, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Leadership Workforce Education and Development, University of Nevada at Las Vegas, NV

Dominick Fazarro, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Technology Program, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, AR

Fred R. Isberner, Ph.D., Professor and Associate Dean, College of Applied Sciences and Arts, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, IL

Marie Kraska, Ph. D., Mildred Cheshire Fraley Distinguished Professor Department of Educational Foundations, Leadership, and Technology, Auburn University, AL

Reynaldo L. Martinez, Ph. D., Chair, Valdosta State University, GA

Cynthia Sims, Ed.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Workforce Education and Development, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, IL

Michaela Stock, a.o.Univ.-Prof.Mag.Dr., Institut f�r Wirtschaftspadagogik, Studienrichtung Wirtschaftspadagogik, Karl-Franzens-Universitat Graz, Austria