We are accepting submissions!!
The Online Journal for Workforce Education and Development (OJWED) publishes articles designed to inform workforce educators and practitioners regarding current research, promising practices, and significant issues associated with workforce education. OJWED provides a forum for discourse on critical issues in the workforce, career, and technical education, including training and development. The audience includes educators, practitioners, and researchers who design, manage, teach, and evaluate workforce education and development programs.

OJWED is an open-access, double-blind peer-reviewed publication that welcomes original manuscripts from practitioners and researchers on issues affecting workforce education and development.

The Online Journal for Workforce Education and Development is produced by the Department of Workforce Education and Development at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. ISSN 1550-347X

Current Issue: Volume 12, Issue 1 (2024)

Editor's Introduction


Editor's Introduction
Yvonne Hunter



Differences between Male and Female Welding Students’ Tinkering Self-Efficacy
Kjersti Decker, Michael Pate, Tyson Sorensen, Michelle S. Burrows, Katie N. Kraus, and Don Edgar


Networked to Work?: An Analysis of a Community College Workforce Development Program
Cynthia Finley, Kim E. Bullington, Mitchell Williams, and David Ayers

Book Reviews