

Ulysses S. Grant and the Ship Railway by John Y. Simon / 3

James Joyce's Exiles and the Incorporated Stage Society by John MacNicholas I 10

Francis Stuart: From Laragh to Berlin by J. H. Natterstad / 17

The Dewey School Photographs by Ruth Bauner / 24

The Herbert Marshall Collection by Susan Siebert / 41

Henry Blake Fuller and the Bookman by Lee Deckelnick / 49

The Southern Illinois University Map Library by Jean M. Ray / 55

Contributors / 64


Stage Society ballot for Exiles, 1916 / 10

The Dewey School, 1900-1903 / 24, 29-40

Paul Robeson, Herbert Marshall and Fredda Brilliant, ca. 1938 / 42

Ira Aldridge in Othello; broadside, Edinburgh, 1849 / 44

Henry Blake Fuller draft of letter, 1901 / 52-53

The New World, Amsterdam, 1698 / 58
