Degree Name

Master of Science

Graduate Program

Agribusiness Economics


Sanders, Dwight R


One of the pressing issues in university and industry weed management programs is herbicide resistance. Growers across the Midwest are facing weeds that are impacting yield and evolving resistance to multiple sites of action groups such as EPSP Synthase Inhibitors (5-enolpyruvyl-shikimate-3-phosphate), PPO inhibitors (protoporphyrinogen oxidase) , and HPPD inhibitors (4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase). Due to competitive weed infestations and potential resistance, it can be very costly and difficult to select an effective herbicide program for growers. Data was collected by Kara Koester at the Southern Illinois University Carbondale Research Center in Belleville, Illinois during the 2019 growing season. A regression model was used to test how or if any individual ALS inhibitor (acetolactate synthase) brings any yield benefits to their weed management program. A dummy variable was used to test whether Liberty, Roundup, location-NORTH, or if using a PRE-application has a statistical impact on yield. Lastly, an opportunity cost analysis was conducted to determine whether paying more up front for more site of action groups and more effective ALS inhibitors was beneficial. This data will help growers understand why paying more for more effective active ingredients and site of action groups in their herbicide program will reduce the amount of times they will have to spray in a year or prevent resistance when weeds are too tall to spray.
