Degree Name

Master of Music

Graduate Program



Davenport, Susan G.


This paper documents the research and rehearsal process for two performances conducted by the author: Gloria by Randol Alan Bass, presented on 6 December 2016 by SIU Concert Choir, SIU Choral Union, and Southern Illinois Symphony Orchestra; and a recital program presented on 9 April 2017 by a chamber ensemble organized specially for the event, consisting of "Tristis est anima mea" from Responsoria Sanctae Spectantia Et Alia Ad Officium Hebdomadae by Carlo Gesualdo, O Crux Benedicta by Carlo Gesualdo, and Wer da gläubet und getauft wird by Johann Sebastian Bach (BWV 37). For each work, the following topics will be discussed: composer biography, structure and harmonic analysis, conducting considerations, and review of recordings.
