Degree Name

Master of Science

Graduate Program

Mass Communication and Media Arts


Talleur, Candace G.


“Suffering In Silence: Demystifying Endometriosis,” explores endometriosis, a disease that affects 176 million women worldwide during their reproductive ages. Endometriosis, which is referred to by many as “endo”, is classified as an autoimmune disease that does not have a definitive cause or cure. Endo is hard to diagnose, because it is an “invisible” disease, meaning there are no external indicators, and the pain symptoms are largely associated with menstrual symptoms. This conundrum causes a lengthy time for diagnosis and treatment for many women, and they end up suffering in silence for many years. “Suffering in Silence: Demystifying Endometriosis,” tells the stories of four women who have dealt with the disease in different ways. I am one of the women included in the documentary dealing with the disease, and I also interview experts in the endometriosis field, who give their opinions on the controversial theories of possible causes and appropriate treatments, and the prospect of a cure.
