Degree Name

Master of Science in Education

Graduate Program



Philip M. Anton


BACKGROUND: Many pathophysiological conditions have been associated with irregular venous compliance. There is evidence that arterial compliance can be lower in an individual who has undergone chemotherapy, but to date it has not been investigated as to whether the same is true for venous compliance. PURPOSE: Investigate differences in the venous compliance in cancer survivors and healthy individuals. METHODS: Twenty participants, 10 of whom were cancer survivors (CS=63.2 ± 6.7yrs), while the remaining 10 were healthy individuals (C=60.2 ± 6.7yrs) underwent submaximal graded exercise tests and assessment of calf venous compliance. Utilizing venous occlusion plethysmography, calf venous compliance was determined in both groups as the first derivative of the pressure-volume relation during cuff pressure reduction. Capacitance and capillary filtration volumes were determined from the increase in limb volume following cuff pressure inflation. RESULTS: Body mass (CS=73.5 14.8 kg, C=82.3 15.5 kg); height (CS=165.1 7.9 cm, C=170.4 14.8 cm); VO2 peak (CS=34.7 9.6 , C=40.9 9.8 ); and resting blood pressures were not significantly different between the groups. Resting heart rate was (CS=76 8.2 bpm, C=67.9 8.9 bpm; was significantly greater in cancer survivors. There were no differences in calf [∆LV = vs. ∆LV = ] venous compliance, capacitance or capillary filtration volumes between the sexes. CONCLUSION: Results from this study indicate venous compliance is not different among cancer survivors who have received neuro-toxic or cardio-toxic chemotherapeutics and healthy individuals.
