Degree Name

Master of Science

Graduate Program

Mass Communication and Media Arts


Onyebadi, Uche


The NCAA Division I Manual is a very black-and-white ruling system that can easily be misunderstood or misinterpreted. To help increase understanding and illustrate some of the rules, this video project was created to cover four of the topics within the manual. The goal of the project was to present to administrators, coaches, and student-athletes at Division I institutions, some of the NCAA rules in a new, creative manner that helps understanding and retention of some of the current NCAA policies. The videos cover four topics: the safety exception, prospect visits, sports wagering, and social media. Each video covers some of the biggest points under each topic and illustrates those main points with examples to go along with the host’s description of the bylaw being discussed. The goal of this project is to start a discussion that could lead to creating more videos in the same style.
