Degree Name

Master of Arts

Department or Program



Darren E Sherkat


This study aimed to examine the risks construction workers in Kuwait face due to increasing temperatures. The environmental conditions for construction workers include working in hot and humid environments, wearing protective clothing, and performing hard physical work. These aspects place them at an increased risk for occupational heat stress. The health impacts of occupational heat exposure for construction workers are heat-related diseases, occupational accidents/ injuries, urological diseases, dysfunctional reproductive system, reduced mental health and cognitive functioning, vision and eye problems, and death. Heat exposure affects workers' health through heat-related illnesses, including heavy sweating, dizziness, muscle pain, fatigue, skin itchiness, and headache. Heat exposure also has various direct and indirect social implications for construction workers. It leads to family problems, workplace issues with co-workers and managers, reduced income, lack of basic amenities, reduced capability, and reduced productivity. One significant preventive measure for heat stress is providing training and education to workers on identifying heat stress signs and assessing and monitoring themselves and fellow workers while working in hot environments.
