Degree Name

Master of Science

Department or Program

Behavior Analysis and Therapy


McLean, Deija


Spending addictions pose a serious threat to the younger population as they have no prior experience making long term financial decisions. The goal of this research paper is to identify therapies to help reduce delay discounting accompanied by poor spending habits; in some events individuals are likely to choose the more immediate rewards rather than the future reward presented with delay discounting. Choosing the more immediate rewards shows a lack of control and impulsive behavior by the person engaging in the behavior. The objective was to identify possible therapies to help reduce delay discounting such as acceptance and commitment therapy, visual exposure, and money management-based therapies which many authors have found to reduce discounting in a variety of participants. The argument here suggests that there is not one but many therapies that may be used with one another to help target spending addictions. In conclusion, acceptance and commitment therapy and other multidiscipline therapies can be beneficial in treating delay discounting.
