"MatLab function: isostaticmassflux1D" by James A. Conder


Also posted on Zenodo with doi:10.5281/zenodo.8360260


A Matlab function “isostaticmassflux1D” is included as part of the supplemental materials to the manuscripts:

Conder, J.A., 2022. Oceanic isostasy as a trigger for the rift-to-drift transition. Geology 50, 843-847, https://doi.org/10.1130/G49914.1

Conder, J.A., 2023. Oceanic Isostasy: Seafloor Spreading and Rift Localization. in Tectonic Processes: A Global View, Volume 2. Extensional Processes: Continental breakup to formation of ocean basin, AGU Monograph, editors I. Cemen and E.J. Catlos

The function numerically calculates the asthenosphere mass flux needed to maintain gravitational equilibrium with differential thermal subsidence in the presence of an overlying ocean. Basic theory is laid out in: Conder, Non-Pratt component of oceanic isostasy, Lithosphere, 4, 430-434, 2012

Written in Matlab ver. R2021a (Mac). doi:10.5281/zenodo.8360260


>> U = isostaticmassflux1D(x,t)


>> U = isostaticmassflux1D(x,t,water)

The function requires two inputs: x (spatial vector in km across axis) and t (thermal ages in Myr). A third optional input, water, is a binary vector denoting which parts of the line are above water (0) and which are below (1). Default without the input is all submerged.

Output mass flux, U, has units km3/Myr/km

August 10, 2021

James Conder
