Date of Award
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy
First Advisor
Komarraju, Meera
In recent years, many organizations, such as Starbucks and Pepsi Co., have received negative public attention for company actions that are perceived as challenges to social justice issues, particularly with regard to diversity. The increased public criticism of companies involved in controversial diversity related issues is likely due to societal expectations that companies increase their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Corporate Social performance (CSP) efforts and serve as leaders of social change (Cone Communications, 2017). The current two-part experimental investigation includes two experimental Studies exploring the impact of diversity related CSP, specifically regarding immigration and race which are particularly relevant to current organizations as they are controversial, polarizing, and closely tied to politics, on prospective employees’ perceptions of an organization as a potential employer. These two Studies also contribute to the literature by looking at the impact of person-organization fit (P-O fit) on the relationship between CSP and organizational attractiveness and likelihood to accept a job offer (Study 1); and the impact of diversity-related CSP on prospective employees of color’s attractiveness to an organization and likelihood to pursue a job (Study 2).
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