Date of Award
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy
Educational Administration
First Advisor
Green, Judith
Saudi educators are increasingly concerned over whether principal preparation programs in Saudi Arabia are accomplishing their goal of developing qualified leaders who are prepared to take on the tasks of school principals. Thus, Saudi researchers recommend that the school principal preparation programs undergo evaluation. This study examines American school principal preparation program components to determine their applicability to Saudi programs. Data analysis focused on Title 23 Illinois Administrative Code 30 and the Saudi School Principal Preparation Program Guidelines with a specific focus on their general program requirements, internship requirements, coursework requirements, and staffing requirements. This research uncovers several similarities and differences between the Saudi and Illinois principal preparation programs. Both programs establish regulations and instructor qualifications as well as requirements for a program coordinator, accreditation, and completion of a supervised internship. The differences between the two include the areas of program structure, course requirements, and educational standards. The study’s findings encourage future research in two areas to improve principal preparation programs in Saudi Arabia: principal performance before and after program participation and study replication using Gulf Region, Middle East, European, or Asian countries as comparable.
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