
Data includes alignments and tree files for an analysis of several Clade III nematodes, with particular focus on the tadpole infecting pinworms of the genus Gyrinicola.

Date created


18S_28S_QINSI_2023_CIPRES.nxs (433 kB)
18S/28S Q-INS-I alignment.

18S_28S_2023_Mr_Bayes_Analysis_CIPRES.tre (38 kB)
18S/28S Mr. Bayes tree file.

18S_28S_2023_Analysis_RAxML_MajRule.tre (2 kB)
18S/28S RAxML consensus tree file.

28S_2023_Q_INS_I.nxs (477 kB)
28S Q-INSI-I Alignment .

28S_2023_MrBayes_CONTREE.tre (51 kB)
28S Mr. Bayes tree file.

28S_2023_RAXML_MajRule.tre (2 kB)
28S RAxML consensus tree file.

18S_QINSI_2023.nxs (88 kB)
18S Q-INS-I Alignment.

18S_2023_MrBayes_CONTREE.tre (35 kB)
18S Mr. Bayes tree file.

18S_2023_RAXML_MajRule.tre (2 kB)
18S RAxML consensus tree file.
