Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Music



First Advisor

Worthen, Douglas


Spectrogram analysis of the most popular works of Adam Young’s four major projects; Owl City, Sky Sailing, Port Blue, and The Score Project. Spectrograms reveal several elements separate to what waveforms can show, and better show elements like frequency saturation, frequency ranges, overtones, and timbral sections. All these elements also can be used to better describe the phenomenon of the Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) and can also be seen on a spectrogram. Because of the ability to see these different elements, a spectrogram provides a good vehicle to analyze and compare elements of Young’s works and ASMR.After analysis, Young’s works show similar types of spectrograms to ASMR content, but the link between the influences between the two is not certain, it is probable that popular music and the ASMR phenomenon are linked in some measurable way. This thesis provides insight into how to further and continue music and ASMR research.




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